Friday, August 22, 2008

More and more books

Again, I've been slacking on noting the books that I've been reading. I've read so much lately that I can't even remember the entire list off the top of my head. I'll list the last few that I can truly remember.

Blood Noir-the latest in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton. Now...this one of my most favorite series. I love the little tough-as-nails Anita and her cast of supernatural friends. But, at this point, I'm going to have to start agreeing with the many critics of the later books in this series. Anita went from a woman of strong morals, to someone who sleeps with almost everyone thrown in her path. It seems to me that Hamilton works hard to come up with crazier "metaphysical" problems that need to be solved with sex and that makes me sad. As it is, I skim past all of the sex in Blood Noir, I barely got to read much actual writing!

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer-Oh my! I really wasn't expecting to get so drawn into this book. I finished it in one evening. Meyer does an amazing job of making you feel Bella's fascination with Edward. I think that Twilight is very unique for it's genre since there isn't a lot of the typical sex and violence that usually accompanies vampire novels. This is definitely a book I could read over and over again.

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer-Again, wow! There isn't too much I can add to what I said about Twilight except that I cannot wait to read the third one in the series!

Julie by Catherine Marshall-This is one of those books I will read again and again. Catherine Marshall's other novel, Christy, is a book I read at least once a year, but I can revisit Julie every few years or so. I love how Catherine Marshall portrays the passion that Julie has for the poor, the downtrodden and I love to watch God work in the lives of her heroines. I should finish this one tonight and I'm not sure what book I will read next.

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