Friday, April 4, 2008

I've been slacking on the books....

I've read a few since I last posted a blog on books but I haven't mentioned a word. Slacker.

First was The Outlaw Demon Wails by Kim #6 in the Rachel Morgan series. It was as good as I expected. This is one of my favorite supernatural fiction series. I have to admit to an addiction to series....they keep on going so that story lines that I've fallen in love with just don't end. This is probably why I also avoid short stories like the plague. They just aren't enough for me.

Next was Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. It was a good read....a creepy look into Munchausen Syndrome and the different ways it can affect children beyond actually killing them. I wouldn't read it again but it kept me up, the pictures it made in my mind replaying over and over again.

After that was Waking Brigid by Francis Clark. This was an unplanned read...a book I liked the look of but had never heard of. The cover intrigued me and the description pushed me into picking it up. It was about an Irish nun in post-Civil War Savannah and about a satanic cult summoning a demon to kill people. I liked the book, but I wouldn't buy it or read it again.

After that was Biting the Bullet by Jennifer Rardin...the third book in the Jaz Parks series. I loved it! Again, the same rule applies to this series about a Sensitive CIA operative whose boss is a centuries old vampire. I hope Rardin keeps them coming because I"m addicted.

Finally...I just started Change Baby by June Spence last night. As much as I love my supernatural fiction, I need a break on occasion to read something a little deeper than vampires, demons and werewolves. This book is about a woman who was the youngest child (by several called a "change baby" since she was born when her mother was 49) in a rather dysfunctional family but the dysfunction was so hidden that she never realized it until she had to come back home to take care of her ailing mother after a house fire. So far, it's good...the prose is well written and engaging...but so far it hasn't turned into a book that I just can't put down. More on this later.......

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