Thursday, May 8, 2008

Work rant....

Let me give you readers (all 1 of you!) some warning…this is a work rant. I love my job….I adore my boss, he’s the best boss I’ve ever worked for and the owners are awesome too, I get along really well with my “partner in crime” (as my boss calls us) but I just have to vent today. This is a smaller company, 11 years ago it started in one of the owner’s basements and it’s grown from there. From the basement it moved to a 5,000 sq.ft. building and from there, to an 8,000 sq.ft. building and finally, we’ve grown into a 50,000 sq.ft. building. Buildings aren’t the only thing we’ve grown out of….we finally had to move on to a new accounting/order system. Since the company’s inception, we’ve used Quickbooks. I know, I know, accounting for dummies. But it worked! On January 1st this year, we went live on a new system. The first month was nightmarish. The software company that provided this system for us was very new at this system and we’re still feeling the pains from them not knowing what they were doing. So, about two months ago, we found a local consultant who was a “pro” at this new system. We brought him in and he was a HUGE help. Our mistake was allowing him free reign over everything. I handle the bank reconciliation and I haven’t seen it in two months. Now that I’m doing April’s, I’m finding a lot of problems with the way he did the last few months and this is going to cause endless headaches and a lot of clean up. Now beyond the system issues, I also have a pet peeve. I think it’s terribly rude of someone to come to your desk while you are sitting at it, and start going through your files to find something they want. Am I crazy? This gentleman does that ALL the time. I’ve taken to moving my files around, but he inevitably finds where I’ve moved them to. He also comes to my desk after I leave for the night and takes things. The worst part of that is that he NEVER puts things back where he got them from. Our filing cabinets are a mess now because he puts things back in out of order.

Ok **deep breath and some big prayers** I’m done now. I’m just trying my best to hold my tongue at work but this all just needed to come out! Sorry! God bless!

1 comment:

Di said...

Can you tell him to just ask you where the thing is that he's looking for next time he tries?