Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Empty nest syndrome...

Well, I took my kids down to IL to spend two weeks with my parents this past weekend. They were done with school last Wednesday and were definitely ready to start their summer vacation. This is a tradition..to spend the first two weeks of summer vacation with my parents but I miss them terribly! While I'm sure they miss me, they are far too busy getting spoiled silly to bother missing mom & dad too much.

The house is so quiet. And clean!! It's amazing how clean a house stays when you have no children to mess it up. Last night all I had to do was go to the library, make dinner, do one load of laundry, dishes and watch a movie (Griffin & Phoenix..very sad). Tonight I have NOTHING to do...how absolutely wonderful. At the same time, it just makes it more obvious that my kids aren't there when I'm not busy. I think I might start the biyearly overhaul of the kid's rooms. I try to go through them twice a year to clear out any broken toys (garbage) and clothes, toys or books that they've outgrown (Goodwill). It's always so much easier when the kids aren't here to do that. Otherwise I run into things like "Oh I LOVE that toy" nevermind the fact that they haven't even picked it up for 8 months!

I hope everyone is doing well. God bless!

1 comment:

Di said...

I always find myself wandering around the house aimlessly if they're gone more than 3-4 days. I still can't imagine 2 weeks!!