Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The countdown

The kids will be home in 4 1/2 days! I cannot wait to get them on Sunday morning. I have to serve in the nursery on Sunday morning at church and then we are heading out to get them. It's going to be SO nice having them home. I think we have our small group bible study on Sunday night but they will enjoy that too, because I know they miss all the SG kids. After that, we're renting Spiderwick Chronicles and vegging out for the night. Of course, they will have to adjust to life without being spoiled rotten. They've been taken bowling, out to a few movies, out for pizza, Chuck E. Cheese's, to the park several days, a few baseball games, you name it. Not to mention, they've been shopping with Meemah & Poppa and have obtained several new toys. **eye roll** I can guarantee you that I will hear, within a few days of them being home..."Mama, why don't you take us to MisterDonalds all the time? Or to Chuck E Cheese?" Ahhh I can't wait to get revenge on them with their children (well actually, yes I can wait, they can't have kids for at least another 20 years!!!!).

1 comment:

Di said...

LOL!! Wow! They've been spoiled!! That's what happens when my kids go to my sister's house, too.