Friday, April 4, 2008

Bringing it all into perspective

As the wedding creeps slowly closer and my stress level ratchets higher, I've been given a serious dose of perspective. Last night, unable to sleep, I lay in bed with thoughts weighing heavily on my heart and mind. Some were random...a memory of a couple of high school acquaintances who had a child with many health problems (and I vowed to look for their blog when I got up in the morning), and some were quite pointed...the way that I've been too busy lately for friends, or the way that when I do have free time, I just turn into a hermit (I vowed to email them all this morning and apologize for my Bridezilla-type behavior). I prayed long and hard for God to give me clarity and peace of mind. Lately it has been escaping me and I know it's because I'm so focused on the wordly things.

So, first thing this morning, I emailed my girlfriends and apologized for being a poor excuse of a friend. Feeling good about I was on the right path, I then went in search of the blog of those old high school acquaintances. I was saddened to read that they had lost their son nearly a year ago. They are an amazing family that God has most certainly blessed with peace and comfort. It reminded me that life is fleeting and that I, we all need, to enjoy our loved ones and every minute of our time here on this earth but that we also need to focus on what is coming ahead. Heaven is very real, and God's mercy has assured us of our spot there if we but accept Him into our lives and ask Him for forgiveness of the sins we continually commit. In light of wedding is small potatoes and while it's very important to Jimmy & I, the most important part is that we use it to glorify God in our lives.

Grace & Peace to all.

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